The stated purpose of the Foundation will be to support re- search into various modes of personality expression, te publish and distribute information on the subject and the results of re- search, to encourage public consideration of the rights of the in- dividual to express all of himself as long as he does not infringe on the rights and privileges of others, to support changes of the law to bring about equality of expression between the sexes and in general to educate the public to realize that varying expressions of inner personality traits are not necessarily related to the sex of the individual ner to his sexual orientation. The program of the Foundation will be worked out and presented to the membership later but it will be designed along these lines.

Now what change does this make? (1) Those who are interested in helping the work financially but who do not wish to reveal them- selves in an application or who do not care about socializing with others can now contribute money directly as a gift to the work with- out forms or anything but a receipt. (2) Those who are interested in meeting others and expressing themselves socially may ask for the application form as in the past, fill it out, be accepted, pay the dues and fee and become members of PHI PI EPSILON. The money

so paid in will go to the same Foundation purposes as that donated anonymously. (3) Those who are presently members and have paid their fees undergo no change of status, the money collected to date will simply be turned over to the Foundation and used for its pur- poses.

It can be seen therefore that the Foundation gives us the pub- lio dignity, responsibility, and respectability that we need. It will permit of support from persons net necessarily FPs themselves, i... we should be able to elicit the help of some doctors, psychol- ●gists, ministers, etc. as members of an Advisory Board to help us in the planning and performance of a program. No one who claims to be a TV or FP could reasonably refuse to support financially the efforts of the Foundation since they can do so without any forms, applications, risks or responsibilities. I hope that those of you who have not joined FPE under its preceeding status will now come forward and lend a hand to the project.

On the social side, those who wish to form groups may de However, we will not assist in bringing people together who have not filled out an application and been accepted into FPE. Our reasons are clear and simple. We have no way of knowing anything about any of you who wish to make contact with others except through
